How much due did the duedrop drop, if the duedrop did drop due?
Hookey Pookey
You put your right hand in. You put your right hand out.
You put your right hand in. And you shake it all about.
You do the hookey pookey, and you turn yourself around.
That's what it's all about.
Left hand; right arm; left arm; right foot; left foot; right leg; left leg; right hip; left hip; head; whole body.
song: I'm singing in the rain.
I'm singing in the rain.
I'm singing in the rain.
What a glorious feeling.
I'm _____woo____.
thumbs out
elbows in
knees bent
knees together
pigeon toes
butt out
head back
tongue out
Oats and beans and barley grow.